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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lies About Israel You Must Know!

Ten “Awesome” Lies About Israel You Must Know
Posted by andyrio on June 30th, 2010

Greetings world,
Ten of these “awesome” lies is listed in the book “Israel, let’s talk about it” written by Michel Collon (Belgium Reporters). In the book reveals how the European and Western media report lies for a decades in an effort to support the existence of Israel.

Ten “Awesome” Lies About Israel are:-

Palestine by *Eu-pho-ric
1.The establishment of Israel as a reaction to the massacre of Jews during the World War 2.

In fact, Israel is creating a project approved by the First Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland in 1897.

FYI, World War 2 occurred between 1939 to 1945!

2. To justify the large-scale migration to Palestine, the Jews claimed that the region is their heritage after 70 years away at BC.

The data is nothing but fiction says Collon! Why fiction?

•Shlomo Sand famous Israel’s historians believe that the migration event several centuries ago never happened.
•The Palestinian people never left their area in ancient times. Thus, they came to Palestine to occupy the so-called heritage land altogether unfounded.
Jews are urged to go back to their original land of Palestine is actually derived from the West, Eastern Europe and North Africa (according to Collon). In fact, the issue of the Jewish state did not exist at all because the people who are in different countries do not have a common history, language or culture. There is only one thing in common is their religion, but religion is not the basis of Developing countries, says Collon.

3. The claim alleged Palestine not occupied, when the first Jews occupy.

There are few documents and evidence of Palestine agricultural products exported to other countries in the 19 century. France is a country to benefit from agricultural products from Palestine in the century.

4. It claimed that the Palestinian people to leave their country voluntarily.

LIE!! Many believe the false allegations. Collon himself believe that, but he find the truth when met the Israeli historian, Benny Morris and Ilan Pappe state, Palestine people were driven and forbidden to return back through violence and terrorism.

5. Israel claimed the only democracy in the Middle East and must be preserved.

Israel is actually not only violates state law, but also the only country that is not limited to any regulations to clarify its boundaries. All countries in the world has a state constitutional limits of their own but not to Israel. Israel is a result of territorial expansion project is not about restrictions and laws are racist. The country specifically for Jews and people not from the people seen as “not human”, says Collon.

6. United States of America, allegedly trying to protect democracy in the Middle East by Israel.

Everyone know that U.S channeling funds to the Israel 3 billions (RM9.7 bilion) a year. For what!? The money is used to attack neighboring countries.

The U.S. really only interested in ensuring that the oil flow in the region are not disturbed.

7. U.S. supposedly trying to reach agreement between Israel and Palestine.

They lie at all, says Collon! Former Head of European Union Policy (EU), Javier Solana, has told Israel that the country is a member of the 21 -EU. European weapons industry is also collaborating with Israel and support them financially.

However, Collon said the Palestinian people have choose their government democratically, but the European refuse to recognizes, but also give the green light to Israel to attack Gaza.

8. Consider any dispute the history of Israel as anti-Semitic.

In fact, the argument is used to silence those who try to expose the lies of Israel. When we criticize Israel, it is not the spirit of anti-Semitic, but denounced the government’s policy of not recognizing the equal rights and status in between Jews, Christians and Muslims. It also destroys peace among followers of various religions.

9. Media claims Palestine cause of violence.

On the other hand, the Israeli occupation is the real terrorism because they take land and homes of people entitled to.

10. The issue is often raised so-called no solution between Israel and Palestine.

In fact, the solution can be achieved. Need to put pressure on Israel’s allies in the U.S. and Europe and other regions around the world.

Public pressure on the media refuses to report the truth can also contribute to the solution in the Middle East. Using the Internet or other media, let us together to report the real news about Palestine.

About: Michel Collon is a Belgian writer and journalist. Michel Collon started his career in the Belgian weekly Solidaire. He continued his work independently by writing books, making films and an Internet newsletter broadcast to 40 000 subscribers. More info and his website :- Official site of Michel Collon
Tags: Israel Liar, lie

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Rachel Corrie

Kapal misi kemanusiaan Rachel Corrie dinamakan sempena seorang aktivis wanita yang terbunuh semasa cuba menghalang tentera Israel dari merobohkan rumah sebuah keluarga warga Palestin di Gaza.

Rachel Aliene Corrie (April 10, 1979 – Mac 16, 2003) merupakan seorg pelajar kolej warga Amerika dan juga ahli International Solidarity Movement (ISM), sebuah pertubuhan yang diasas oleh beberapa orang aktivis yang menentang sekeras-kerasnya penjajahan serta keganasan Israel di sempadan Gaza. Pengasas ISM terdiri daripada Ghassan Andoni dan George N. Rishmawi (Palestin), Neta Golan (Israel), Huwaida Arraf (Amerika-Palestin), dan Adam Shapiro (Amerika).

Pada Mac 16, 2003, tentera Israel sedang melakukan operasi merobohkan rumah-rumah penduduk Palestin di kawasan Gaza secara besar-besaran. Alasan mereka ialah rumah-rumah tersebut merupakan tempat persembunyian gerila pengganas dan terowong penyeludupan senjata. Rachel Corrie, salah seorang aktivis yang berada di kawasan tersebut untuk menghalang operasi rejim Israel, berlari ke arah rumah yg diduduki sebuah keluarga. Rachel bertindak melindungi keluarga tersebut dengan berdiri di hadapan bulldozer yang dikawal oleh tentera Israel. Malangnya, rejim Israel laknatullah tidak mempedulikan Rachel, malah terus melanggarnya dengan bulldozer sehingga tubuhnya remuk. Rachel Corrie mati di tempat kejadian pd usia 23 tahun.

Thursday, June 03, 2010

ZIONIS binatang!

Menurut Dr. Al-Qardawi mengapa bumi Palestin seperti sekarang adalah disebabkan lima kesalahan utama bangsa Arab dan umat Islam ketika berurusan dengan Israel.

1. Mereka beranggapan bahawa isu Palestin adalah 'khusus' dan perlu ditangani oleh rakyat Palestin sendiri.
2. Mereka percaya bahawa perdamaian dengan Israel adalah satu-satunya pilihan yang tidak ada galang gantinya serta beranggapan Israel adalah satu 'kekuatan' yang tidak boleh ditewas mahupun dikalahkan.
3. Bangsa Arab berpegang bahawa AS adalah 'penjaga' keamanan sedangkan pada hakikatnya, negara tersebut adalah sekutu paling rapat Israel.
4. Siri-siri dan episod 'mengalah' yang dilakukan oleh mereka dalam usaha mencari perdamaian dengan Israel.
5. Pandangan dan pendirian umat Islam yang berasa 'memadai' perbuatan dan kezaliman bangsa Yahudi ke atas rakyat Palestin dibalas dengan hanya kata-kata dan ucapan.

Bumi anbiya menangis lagi…

Kabus-kabus mendinginkan kehangatan,
menyamankan seketika tidur mereka,
mengasyikan jiwa dalam kedamaian yang barang sekejap.
mimpi-mimpi mereka seringkali memilukan,
wajah-wajah penderitaan menghiasi setiap babak,
sujud syukur jika mimpi itu mengasyikan.

Kabus-kabus melenyapkan kedinginan,
kehangatan bahang semakin terasa,
bumi mereka subur dengan batas-batas peluru, bangkai-bangkai kereta perisai,
senjata, tidak ketinggalan jasad-jasad tidak bernyawa.
berbuih sudah mulut mereka meminta,
berair mata mereka bercerita, hanya mata-mata simpati tanpa suara memerhati dan terus memerhati,
episod demi episod,
tanpa mahu sesekali memahami.

Kehangatan matahari kini bersulam trajedi,
mimpi-mimpi kini jadi realiti,
giliran siapa yang akan mati?
peluru-peluru menembusi kereta, dinding, tembok dan dan tubuh sikecil tadi,
diam, kaku, sejuk,
remuk hati si ibu, sebentar tadi ku usap ubun-ubun rambutnya,
kukucup pipi gebunya berkali-kali.
bagai mengerti maksud illahi,
sikecil mendakap ibunya bagai tidak berjumpa lagi, lama sikecil begini,
sebelum bermain menanti mati.

Bumi anbiya menangis lagi,
bumi anbiya akan terus begini,
ibu ayah meratapi,
abang, kakak, dan adik mendendami,
janji Tuhan terus dinanti,
janji Tuhan itu hakiki,
mereka ini akan diadili.

posted by airaputera

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